Healing at Last. The Podcast

S3 E7 - Thing's Didn't Go As Planned Last Week. Here's what happened...

Shauna Quigley

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Welcome to the 3rd season. In this series I’ll be talking about finding & healing the root cause of our suffering. Understanding what happened inside of us as a result of our trauma and working with primary pain, so that we can finally heal and be free from the pain of our past. 

Over the next 4 weeks the episodes are going to be a little different and here’s why. 

Last week I held a 4 Day Summit on the effective treatment of anxiety.  My intention was to teach the basic principles of my Anxiety Model to professionals working in the field of mental health. The reality was that we had so many registrants for the summit that in fact were not professionals in that field. Who they were, were human beings who have been suffering with anxiety for years, sometimes decades and they wanted help. Not help to manage the physical symptoms of anxiety but help to finally heal from it. Help to get to the root cause of why they are experiencing it. 

I wasn’t surprised at this…I would have signed up for anything that I thought would have helped me back then too but I worried that sharing this information to someone without training would be too much. 

I needn't have. The feedback that I received was overwhelming. This was making sense to them and for most, it was the first time that they felt really understood and heard. It was giving them hope that they could finally heal with the right support and guidance of course. 

So now my intention is this: I want to share the summit with you in the hope that if you know someone or you are experiencing anxiety that you too feel heard, understood and  most importantly know there is a way out. 

Today’s episode is the recording of Day 1 of the summit. Next week, I’ll share Day 2 and so on but if you would like to listen to all episodes right now head on over to my website
www.shaunaquigley.com You’ll find the link to the replay page there. 

If you need any support after listening to this series, please reach out. I have a list of Anxiety Specialists over on the website who may be able to help. They are highly trained in my anxiety model. 

With Love Shauna X