Healing at Last. The Podcast

It's OK to be Human. A Conversation with Jeff Brown

Shauna Quigley Season 3 Episode 12

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My guest this week is Jeff Brown - Author, Teacher, Enrealment Activist & Grounded Spiritualist. 

My relationship with Jeff began with him being a mentor. He has supported and guided me, pushing me forward in the work that I do. Now a good friend, I am absolutely delighted to be sharing our conversation with you.  

Today we’re discussing Jeff’s new book: Humanifestations 

For me, this is a book that speaks to all aspects of human life - hurt, pain, hope, healing, relationships, the need for love. All of it. All of what it is to be human but in a grounded & heart centred way.  Each time I picked it up I felt connected to myself & the world again. It brought me back home to me and gave me permission to accept all that I am. 

That is my intention in sharing this conversation with you. 

I hope that you too,  know that it’s OK to be human. To accept the wondrous YOU. Who you are and where you are right now.  And if that place is on a healing journey, maybe you want to go deeper inside and do some inner work, maybe you don’t and that’s ok. 

I only ask one thing…if you do go deeper inside to clear the pain of your past, you do it all from your body, not your head. You feel it all. Every single part of it because that is where true healing comes from.

“The uniqueness of the human story and everybody’s particular reason for being here are worth fighting for - fighting for the rights of your story” - Jeff Brown

I believe that we all have the ability to heal ourselves from within. It is my mission to show you how. It is my hope that these conversations go some way to help you on your own journey, so let's begin.

With Love Shauna X

To pre-order a copy of Jeff's new book - Humanifestations follow the link below: